Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yearend Musings-- Change; Candidates

The last few days of every year i usually give hours meditating, musing, discerning the year about the end and the years about to storm in. yearend transitions provide a natural context for seeking to detect incremental progress in our long-term advance in individual and collective consciousness evolution. Have we attained significant inches in forward motion to more enlightenment on the reality of the oneness of all? Have i? We were given another full year's trove of direct experiences and shared insights to learn profound lessons on. did we notice and learn? did i?

the christmas season comes around and ends in a few weeks as culturally scheduled, and practically no one expects any change to come with its annual coming. election season gas also come and will linger much longer before ending at the coming midyear. elections carry a different appeal because they claim to carry a hope for change to come in our lives. the hope for change is understandably expressed by the people, but they are joined in this clamor by candidates who claim to carry a real hope for much better times. most of these candidates are of the mold legitimately discredited as conservative or anti-change in the real sense. voters are now urgently advised to take these policians' promises with sacks of salt.

our best bet for real change is not in any choice for the most credibly "winnable" -- change for the people's empowerment can only be an earnest effort for the people's own direct collective self-empowerment, starting with the people building a consensus behind our own desirable and doable dream. What kind of Philippines are these candidates dreaming of? Are their dreams worth adopting at all as our very own?

In our earlier research work, we came upon a dreamed Philippines with description specific enough for giving us some direction in our own dreaming. Are we about to consider uniting with candidates whose dreams are, quite credibly, very similar to our own?

our best bet for real change is not in any choice for the most credibly "winnable" candidate -- change for the people's empowerment can only be an earnest effort for the people's own direct collective self-empowerment, starting with the people building a consensus behind our own desirable and doable dream. What kind of Philippines are these candidates dreaming of? Are their dreams worth adopting at all as our very own?

In its on-line library (uploaded in, the Lambat-Liwanag Network for Empowering Paradigms provides all viewers with a sample of a dream, a vision. The Kamalaysayan Solidarity on Sense of History will soon upload its dedicated website for its project “Doable Dreams for a Dozen Years” for which its project director, established Filipino futurist Guillermo Santos, will very soon be soliciting presentations from candidates (for president, senators, local positions, etc.) and other people, like students, opinion leaders and movements, presentations of their respective dreams accompanies by indicators of high doability.

To guide us in our yearend musings, in the coming days and well beyond, I suggest that we view this sample of a dream, a Vision for Philippine Politics and Politicians, as lifted from an interview published by the Manila Bulletin many months ago. Click here: Then, make your own (what is your dream for the Philippines to attain?) and circulate it widely as your part in the effort for voters’ education.

It would be surely worth the effort, than just campaigning for specific candidates without much basis other than winnability or business or personal considerations.

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