Saturday, April 16, 2011

Unheard of until some mere decades back...

I FELL ASLEEP last night (April 16, 2011), thinking about some concepts that came to be accepted by many people just very recently -- "win-win"; "feminine principle"; "back to nature"; "servant leaders"; "corporate social responsibility"; "paradigm shifts"; "holistic healing"; "inter-faith unity"; "social enterprise"; "gender harmony"; "deep ecology"; etc.
.....More such concepts, including diametrical opposites of what had prevailed for centuries over the thinking of entire human societies, will likely emerge in the next few decades, years, weeks!
The new concepts will likely emerge, spread, challenge, and, finally, replace the static, separative, and vertical mind-sets and be openly supportive of spiritual and heart-centered decision-making, and will be openly hostile to justifications greed.
The Academe and its institutions will surely be challenged to address these instead of conveniently ignoring or dismissing them. To retain its respectability, such challenge will have to be met in earnest -- fair and square.
The entire process will surely hasten the march of Consciousness Evolution of HUMANITY OURSELF.
My subconscious mind "slept on it" for a dozen dark hours, and, finally, I AWOKE TO A BRIGHT NEW MORNING, overjoyed over the idea that Humankind would soon reemerge as fully awakened in this world and, thus, as fully human!

Ed Aurelio C. Reyes / 'Ding'
Readdingz, April 17, 2011

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