Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Magnetic Field for Goodwill, Conscious Oneness, and Love

I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FASCINATED by magnets. Quite recently, i was able to go beyond the "attract-repel" phenomenon andmagnets more closely, and started moving completely away from the "attract-repel" focus. As a kid I was always playing with magnets, even dismantling the tiny motors in my toy cars just to get my handa on the magnets in them. But I was endlessly experi­menting on making metal pieces stick to them, and magnetizing ordinary screwdrivers and big nails and making metal pieces stick to those. It was very recently that I started paying more attention to magnets affecting metal pieces that do not stick to them, metal pieces that do not even move towards them, the phenomenon of the magnetic field and its invisible but very real effects.

. Having experimented on magnets affecting metal piec­es that are just lying still close enough to them, and having read about how some metal pieces gradually become magnets just because a strong magnet nearby had started aligning a growing number of their atoms along a uniform magnetic field, I plunged into a deep study of magnets as metaphors of synergism in a very profound way.

. It looks like it's going to be a long but ex­citing study, and I’d be glad to share observ­ations and ideas with people interested enough to study appli­cations of the pertinent physics formulas similar to but more powerful than the formulas involving gravitation.

. But this early, it can be said that because of this phe­nomenon of "contagious magnetism," the magnet is a unique metaphor for synergism. After all, coconut-palm reeds do not tie themselves together in a bind, the leaf-strips do not weave them­selves together into mats and the jigsaw puzzle pieces do not really jump into their proper places. But atoms in a mag­netic field do align themselves in bigger and bigger numbers and strengthen that field to make more and more atoms do the same.

. Thus, a magnet system grows stronger and stronger by itself, untouched by human hands. The origin of lodestones bears this out. And scientists are using the magnetic flux from unmoved chunks of lodestone to triangulate past sites of the magnetic/true north pole and the magnetic/true south pole of the earth, where spin axis meets the earth surface.

. Consider that in contrast to the force of gravity, which is indirectly proportional to the square of the distance between the attracting parties, the magnitude of the magnetic force is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance between the magnetic objects that are interacting.

. This means that a strong magnet which is not near to any other magnet aligned or not aligned with it can, by the influence of its magnetic field, align atoms in all metallic objects all around it, and, by itself, create many new magnets around itself and create a growing synergy of a growing set of aligned magnets much closely positioned around it. This is a case of a synergy ever growing by itself. If the first magnet in the neighborhood is rather weak, the entire process still ensues but takes much more time to complete.

. A magnetic field would be invisible. But the consequences of its mere existence force us to admit that it does exist. I have also come to believe in the existence of another sort of field. I view it as the consciousness-behavior field that is actually a field of influence on thinking and behavior.

. Part of this is actually already well-known, something to do with a community's collective psychology, or culture. Growing up within a specific cultural milieu will force you to imbibe at least some marks of it in your behavior, thinking, and even manners of speaking. Part of this would be transmitted by sound from mind-to-mouth-to air-to ear-to mind. As much or even more can go through the cosmic ether via the way of telepathy, and still another way would be through what i prefer to call the "innernet," through the spiritual resonance also known as the "soulhug" bond. If many members of a grouping are imbued with concern and love for fellow-humans, chances are the others will, sooner or later, imbibe the same thing. The group's milieu would host a "magnetic field" of conscious oneness.

. How i wish that such field can be created among humans as each of them would radiate one's unique contribution to the conscious oneness field, to counter the separativeness and alienation field, which coagulates into unexplained discomfort in non-choiceful coexistence, into petty quarrels and even into big wars.

. How i wish that a “magnetic field” for Goodwill, Conscious Oneness, and Love can be created among humans as each of them would radiate one's unique contribution to the conscious oneness field, to counter the separativeness and alienation field, which coagulates into unexplained discomfort in non-choiceful coexistence, into petty quarrels and even into big wars. How I wish I could influence at least some friends to experiment by trying to create such a “field” and to feel and enjoy its effects around them.

. And so I've decided to start doing it myself. Would some of my friends join me in this? Would you?

ding reyes
of subic, zambales

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