Friday, December 31, 2010


Happy New YOU for a much greater New Year 2011, for a much greater New Decade 2011-2019, for a much greater New Humanity!
.......Darwin may not have looked too closely into the Evolution of Human Consciousness because he must have found it much more exciting to look into the Evolution of animal or mammal or primate anatomy and physiology, an evolution that was relatively much easier to establish and even measure while there was no perceptible parallel evolution in the realm of consciousness, even among pre-humans or early humans of up to earlier this very century.
.......But modern Canadian psycho-scientist Steven Pinker writes to assert the great importance of inter-generational consciousness evolution, and complains that too much edge is being given to hereditary factors of evolution in the ongoing "nature vs. nurture" academic discourse, and that among humans, language and other cultural developments may in fact account for more evolutionary progress. This dovetails with Drunvalo Melchizedeck's well-expressed amazement over the accelerating speed at which the human mind has developed, as aided by its information sharing tools such as computers and the internet.
......And predictions are increasing all around that the big planetary pole-shift expected to come to the earth by 2012 will be coupled with a great shift in Human Consciousness. These things are not expected to come on the first split-second of January 1, 2012, but creep in a bit more slowly but surely in the years and months of run-up to that year.
.......The New Decade has started about a dozen hours ago in our country, which is in one of the first time zones to greet midnight and sunrise every day. Will the greater New Humanity be soon following suit? "It starts with you," my zen master friend told me last week. If enough people simply open their heart-minds to the new paradigms of Synergy from Conscious Human Oneness, in shared divinity, and decide to live accordingly and successfully promote Love, Peace, Joy among enough other people on this planet, "if we get a critical mass for a 'New Humanity', we may not even be able to imagine, much less say clinically, just how much progress Human Consciousness Evolution may attain in just this coming New Year 2011!" As he said that, I couldn't help but think of the "Sing Out our Love, Peace, Joy in 2011" project. And my brother's new greeting for this day, "Happy New YOU!"
. A greater New Humanity by this New Decade... it can come, starting with the New YOU and new me! Together, let's pull it off!

Makati, Philippines

About Love, Peace, Joy, please check out
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