Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Understanding and Explaining the "NEW SEED"-1

I'VE BEEN ASKED by some friends to provide them with some explanation about this "NEW SEED" which was sown together by dozens of organic farmers, mostly Aeta tribesmen, in a demo farm in Castillejos, Zambales, last May 2. This is the start of a series of explanations mainly for people who feel they need such explanations. To other people, the words of "BAGONG BINHI" deeply and instantly resonate with the Life Force pulsating within them and explanatory words would not be very necessary. Still, I decided to attempt some explanations or guideposts for the unity among all the present and future adherents of this Hearts for Earth Life campaign to attain greater clarity and therefore greater firmness and the needed impelling energy.

.. To begin with, the very concept of a seed signifies Life and its sustainability, something which greed-driven genetic technologies are destroying to be replaced by monopoly in the mass-production and sale of seeds and their getting to start holding hostage the staple food production of the world. May each participant of this consciousness-for-action campaign be a worthy seed that will reach many hearts in many homes in many communities and germinate well in each of these hearts, homes and communities and bring forth a thousandfold new seeds for sowing and for germination in all areas of the planet in the years and decades to come.

.. As a collective declaration, the "New Seed" proclaims the act of deciding something very important. Due to its importance, such a decision just had to be ensured as a free, clear, and firm decision. No force exerted in any form to violate anyone's right to free-will, no confusions taken advantage of, no conditionality or equivocation. A firm decision is a resolute decision would brook no excuses for non-implementation. It is a solemn collective pledge to ourselves.

. It is a decision born of an urgent necessity for our own lives and of the planet's. Earth's natural environment, upon which our health and survival undoubtfully depends does have to be defended effectively against human deeds commanded and abetted by profit-making motives that refuses to respect life. And it has been proven, like during the entire process and final maneuvers that led to last December's Copenhagen Summit that such necessary defense of the environment cannot be ensured to be done and continued unless entire families and communities of the citizens of the various countries would undertake to take such defense into their own hands, taking active defense of the environment as a matter of life and death akin to exercising their own personal self-defense prerogatives.
. Indicators abound that many of their governments and institutions have been prevented by extremely powerful profiteering enterprises from defending their lives or the natural systems that sustain life or, worse, many of these governments and institutions have already been coopted to favor the earth- and life-destructive activities. To depend on these governments and institutions would be like keeping obediently passive in the face of slow genocide. This was also brazenly shown in developments at Copenhagen before, during and after the Summit.

.. The beginning of the "New Seed" declaration proclaims aloud a free, clear and firm decision: WE have decided to refuse being killed just like that. Our own survival requires our working all together for the active defense of the Earth. We have become wise enough to recognize that we cannot afford to do any less. With enough zeal to go with our rational discussions and information-sharing across the globe, the spirit and logic of this New Seed will spread and germinate to enable us to save our living environment and ourselves.

.(to be continued)

The "NEW SEED" proclamation texts in four languages may be read at>. )

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